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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Samsung sents invites for Tizen OS press conference just before MWC 2014

Previously announced that Tizen OS would be delayed, turns out to be wrong. Samsung sent invites for a press conference of Tizen OS on a day before Nokia's press conference that will be held on the first day of MWC 2014. Don't get confused now, the press conference will be held on February 23rd in Barcelona. All the major developers of the OS like SK Telecom, Korean Telecom (KT), DoCoMo etc. will be present at the event. But its been reported that DoCoMo might not be able to attend the event. Devices running Tizen OS will be revealed. It's not known whether the device would be smartphone or not. But a camera running Tizen OS is confirmed to be revealed. On top of that, It
is possible that Samsung may unveil the most awaited smartphone of the year, Galaxy S5. Lets see what kind of Tizen OS devices Samsung and the other developers have to offer at the press event. And will they unveil Galaxy S5 or not? Guess we'll just have to wait.

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