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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Microsoft paying mobile companies to make WP8 smartphones

Microsoft will be paying smartphone manufacturers for making Windows 8 Phones in 2014.. And it could be possible that we'll be seeing WP8 from Samsung, Sony and even Huawei later this year..
Eldar Murtazin tweeted:
Windows phone 8 in 2014 - Samsung 1.2 bln USD, Sony 0.5 bln, Huawei 0.6 bln, others - 0.3 bln. Thats "support" from MS to develop one (1!)hs

Huawei will be getting paid more than Sony. From this statement we can judge the market of Huawei. While other companies are anonymous but will be paid $0.3 billion. HTC should try this offer because their market share seems to be disappeared from the market. They can get good support from it as it is in desperate need of money.

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